Monologue- Shawshank Redemption/ Character- Red
[Red lays solemnly on his bed, inhaling the rough smoke of his musty tobacco.]
Forty years is a long time, long enough to deprive a person of any connection to the real world. I mean those cars, machines, children crying… I just couldn’t get used to them. Sometime I feel I’m standing in the eye of hurricane, the noises whipping around me like a gale. It’s a terrible thing to live in fear. All I’m doing is just lying here, smoking, unable to sleep. I look up and see old Brooks’s world from the beam, he gave up. That makes me more scared. He couldn’t cope with the real world, so he decided to release himself totally. Well, I guess I have become institutionalized like Brooks as, I can’t feel
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But fortunately, I was always able to handle myself, I don’t say much but people learnt to respect me and learnt that what I say I mean and I keep my word. My prison time was long enough to make connections and learn all those short cuts so I could supply inmates with their needs. My business helped me gain respect while I was doing my time and I kind of accepted my handle- ‘The guy who knows how to get things.’
For the first twenty years I made a life for myself like this and it was almost bearable. Then, Andy arrived with his bible. At first I thought he was weak and puny or just a poor kid with autism, then, he came to me and said: “I understand you’re a man who knows how to get things.” Then he asked for a rock hammer. I mean, if anyone have ever see that tiny hammer, they would not believe that’s what Andy used for his escape. He is the most patient person I have ever seen. God, I miss him.
I watched him writes letters every single week for two years to get we prisoners a library, what persistence! I mean, I’d have lost patience after one months! Well, the government ended up giving us books and money just to shut Andy up, it took Andy twelve years and more than a thousand letters. And all those prisoners who got a certification because of him? That just insane! This would never have happened without Andy. He was an all-round good bloke and the worst part for him was he’s innocent. Not ‘innocent’ like the rest of us, he really is.

In The Shawshank Redemption both of these events occurred. In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne plays an duet from Mozart’s comic opera, The Marriage to Figaro, as its Enlightened ideals represent Andy’s prison experience and its Classical characteristics evoke a sense of hope in the repressed prison. A central scene in the film features the Duet 'Letter Duet' 'Canzonetta sull'aria' from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, also known in Italian as 'Sull'aria.che soave zeffiretto.' Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding (Morgan Freeman) remarks in his voice-over narration: «I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. The Shawshank Redemption Power of Hope Sound Mozart scene Andy locked in Wardens office to play music for Brooks Helen Music's volume increasing happiness on in-mates face Voice of opera singers where hope reaches Warden banging on door Difficulty of keeping hope.

It is thrilling that Lou Michel, my colleague at The Buffalo News, is on CNN discussing that spectacular prison break that happened at Clinton Correctional Facility.
Yesterday parallels were being drawn here and there to the movie 'The Shawshank Redemption.' Not to say anyone is admiring these murderers who made their escape. We are not admiring them! Nobody is. It is just that the intricate escape makes you think of other intricate escapes.
It seems the right time to revisit the greatest scene from 'The Shawshank Redemption,' where the entire prison is all of a sudden mysteriously listening to Mozart.
Shawshank Redemption Soundtrack MozartSO beautiful! To tell you the truth it is all I remember specifically about 'The Shawshank Redemption' other than that Morgan Freeman has my birthday.Compositions
The music they are listening to is the Letter Duet from Mozart's 'The Marriage of Figaro.' Nickel City Opera is doing 'The Marriage of Figaro' in a couple of weeks -- on June 26 and 28 -- and I cannot wait. What a magical opera.

Song From Shawshank Redemption

Here is the great Kiri Te Kanawa singing the Letter Duet with the great Ileana Cortrubas so you can see what it is about. The Countess is dictating a letter. Well, they are collaborating on what is going to go into this letter and that is why their voices are weaving and intertwining this way and that. Mozart could always put life into music!
There is another YouTube clip with Renee Fleming but whoever posted the video cut it off too abruptly at the end and ruined it.

Shawshank Redemption Soundtrack Mozart Compositions

Anyway. Life's lessons learned.

Shawshank Redemption Soundtrack Opera

On this Web log everything leads back to Leonard Pennario.

Shawshank Redemption Song List

In the bigger world, everything leads back to Mozart!